I teach CPR, AED, First Aid and many OSHA Safety Courses in person.

What would you do if your favorite client, co-worker, or family member needed vital help now? Do you have the skills and knowledge to do anything besides call 911? (In the United States, the average response time for paramedics is 8-12 minutes. That’s a long time to do nothing but wait for help.)

Some people have taken “another CPR class” and stated they felt no different after class, felt no confidence to take action, or perhaps outright declined to take action for fear of making things worse. THAT WON’T HAPPEN in my class. (PS…if they’re already dead when you start CPR, then you CAN’T make things worse!! Doing ANYTHING is better than doing NOTHING!!)

I teach not only excellent technique, but also how to deal with ALL the fears you may have in dealing with issues that come up when saving a life. I talk about legal issues, calling 911, contagious diseases, and every fear you have regarding CPR. All this in addition to the skills and techniques you need to learn for effective CPR. I don’t leave the classroom until everyone feels at ease, and confident in taking action.

Some people have said my CPR+First Aid class was a life changing experience. Hey, that’s their words, not mine.

Try it in person and let the results speak for themselves. Call me to schedule YOUR class with Cross Training. The life you save may be your closest co-worker, your favorite client, or a family member you love dearly.

If you can’t afford to be without these people in your life, then you can’t afford to be without my CPR+First Aid class!

–Mark Cross, owner, Cross Training