Can you teach CPR to anybody?

 Yes, CPR can be taught to literally anybody who wishes to learn.  This includes people with disabilities and young people such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other youth organizations. The most common class is CPR for the Community and Workplace.  Most often, Cross Training teaches CPR to people in the workplace to meet OSHA guidelines for a safe workplace.  Cross Training can also sometimes do a “CPR Party” at someone’s home, if they wish to organize their own class.  Cross Training also teaches CPR Pro, which is the CPR training required for all licensed medical professionals in order to keep and maintain their license.  We can teach CPR to anybody.

How many people are in a class?

That varies depending on the class.  For CPR, the class size is limited to 12.  More than that and the one-on-one teaching of the skills set is not learned properly.  We are limited to that class size to be in accordance with CPR training standards, and to retain the CPR Instructor/Trainer certification.  For First Aid only (no CPR), class size is 20.  For HAZCOM and Forklift Safety, class size is 20.

Tell me more about your teaching approach to Fears.

Fears will hold people back and prevent them from administering CPR, even with proper training.  Most CPR training is deficient in this area.  They teach the skills, but skip the fears.  Most CPR training thinks that the fears are up to the individual to figure out on their own.  Cross Training talks openly about the most common fears and how to address them.  Common fears include: Can I be sued for doing it incorrectly?  Can I catch a disease like AIDS?  Can I hurt or injure the person by doing incorrectly?  Can I make it worse or kill them?  What happens if I panic and forget what to do?  Our goal is to address every single fear in every single class.  Some of these fears are silly and can’t happen.  Some fears could happen, but we take simple precautions to avoid them.  But just saying that and dropping it will put people off; these fears are discussed and addressed, so that by the end of every Cross Training CPR class, these fears are erased, eliminated, and are no longer a concern.

How long is certification?

That depends on the class.  For CPR, AED, and First Aid, the certification card is good for 2 years.  For Bloodborne Pathogens, OSHA mandates the card is good for 1 year only.  Forklift Safety cards are good for 3 years.

How effective is Cross Training in teaching CPR?

We’ve taught this class to people that are required to take this class every single year.  Electricians who work on the high-voltage power lines, for example, are required by their industry to take a CPR class every year.  Without a current CPR class, they can’t work.  We’ve commonly had comments such as “I’ve taken a CPR class every year for the past 25 years, and I learned more from this one class than the other 25 classes combined!”  Cross Training takes great pride in excellence in teaching.  We know you’ll be happy with your training.  Use Cross Training once, and you’ll request us in the future every single time.

When is your next CPR class?

Cross Training doesn’t work that way.  Cross Training primarily works business-to-business, so we schedule a private CPR training session with a company that wishes to hire us to come and train at their location.  Since we have been hired privately, the client would not appreciate us bringing in “one or two additional people” that they are not paying for.

How can I schedule my CPR class?

Call or email me to inquire about availability.  We schedule a CPR class based on a first-come, first-served basis.  If another client has already scheduled a CPR class, then that date/time is not available.  If the date you want is available, we can schedule the class.  With a phone call, we “pencil you in” our calendar.  We then fax or email a Reservation Form outlining the specifics of your class, including date and time and location.  Once that Reservation Form is signed and returned, you are booked!  We then “pen you in” our calendar and that date is yours.

What do I do if I just need a class for me?

We schedule a class for a minimum of 5 people. If you have a couple of friends who also need a class, you can organize your own “CPR Party” at your house.  Or, bring Cross Training in to your company!  Talk to HR or your Safety Department and ask what type of CPR training they currently use.  If your supervisor or HR or Safety Department schedules a CPR class with Cross Training, request to be placed in that class.  If the class is really just for you, and CPR training is not something your company will pay for, then get some friends together and have your own class.  Call or email to get more specifics.

What do you do besides CPR?

In addition to CPR and First Aid and AED, Cross Training also provides other OSHA safety training as well; see the Training page for more information.

How do I find out more?

Visit our Contact page to find out how to Contact Cross Training.  Call or email to ask additional questions.